
Being part of a mountain Weyr, Meridian's Weyrlake is fed by glacial springs. The water is frigid even during the hottest of summers. Visitors tend to shy away from taking a dip, but seasoned residents of the Weyr - and their dragons - can often be seen swimming during the summer and early fall seasons.

Thankfully, the freezing Lake isn't the only water source; visitors and Weyrfolk alike are drawn to the hot springs that run throughout the Lower Caverns. Several hot pools have been constructed for both people and dragons to enjoy, some sheltered and some open-air. The hot springs also provide the geothermal heat for the Weyr's firelizard sands. Many of the creatures can be seen in the caverns, and while some stay to incubate their clutches, most are content to leave their eggs behind. The resulting hatchlings often Impress to cavern visitors and become loyal pets.

(These firelizards are click-and-take adoptables! Save the images to your files and feel free to use them on your character pages. There are no limits on how many you take or which colours. Remember, though: firelizards are pets which require daily care and feeding. Keep this in mind when you decide how many you assign to a character!)

If you Impress a firelizard, make sure you link back to Meridian Weyr!