Clutch 1 Records

Clutch 1 Directory
Bronze Aalimeth & Bronze Risperoth
24 eggs, 24 hatched
Character Dragon Name Dragon Colour Genders Owner
Mo'ta (Moenta) Polarith Gold M / M Neishai
Karima Alhenath Bronze F / F Trix
Ralaera Cinderpath Antareth Bronze F / M Phe
Efrin Megrezth Bronze F / M Bughnrahk
Jonah Dubheth Brown M / M Trix
Magnolia Twig Mintakath Brown F / F Zekiran
Beni Mizarth Brown F / M Trix
Carol Hansen Phecdath Brown F / F Nomi
Tihali Ro Ascellath Blue F / F DragonFlight
Jebi Berena Denebolath Blue M / M DragonFlight
Kolten Dzibanth Blue M / M Naeodin
- Fawaristh Blue - / M -
Narissa Hatysath Blue F / M Nomi
Siasli Meissath Blue F / F Zekiran
Moki Rava Aldebaranth Green N / M DragonFlight
Fulona Asteropeth Green F / F Neishai
Dana Lloyd Atlath Green F / M JKat
Macon Twig Celaenoth Green M / F Zekiran
Camdyn Hart Electrath Green M / F JKat
- Elnath Green - / M TyGryph
- Maiath Green - / F Naeodin
T'vaar Meropeth Green M / F Dray
S'xan Pleioneth Green M / F Digitalis
N'kit Taygetath Green M / F Ktrenal

Clutch 1 Genealogy
Meridian Weyr, #1 Mother
Pernese Bronze
Isla Weyr, #11d
Pernese Green
Dark Moon Weyr, #11
Pernese Gold
Dark Moon Weyr, Progenitor
Pernese Bronze
Dark Moon Weyr, #7
Pernese Blue
Cincanta Weyr, #4
Pernese Gold
Cincanta Weyr, Progenitor
Pernese Bronze
Cincanta Weyr, Progenitor
Pernese Bronze
White River Weyr, Giveaway
Pernese Gold
Blackstone Weyr Giveaway, #16
Pernese Gold
Quinalt Weyr, #1
Pernese Bronze-Brown
Fire Ridge Weyr, #4
Alskyrian Bronze
Alabaster Weyrhold Giveaway, #9
Pernese Green-Gold
Blue Sky Weyr, #3
Pernese Bronze
Blue Sky Weyr, #3

I don't see why you won't let me in.

I'm a Queen now. I think that gives me the right to request that no one watch me clutch.

This has already gone to your head. I'm not going to judge. I've seen you lay eggs before.

Silence. A faint ripple of phantom pain through her abdomen. Rimaea winced.

You did that on purpose, Aalimeth.

I don't control the telepathic bond, replied her dragon smugly, then: That was the last.

Am I allowed to attend you yet, Your Grace? Sarcasm dripped from Rimaea's mind-voice.

In a minute.

You said that was the last egg, Rimaea shot back impatiently.

You can't rush perfection. Aalimeth's voice sounded almost like a purr. Finished. You may enter.

Rimaea cast a glance at Kestrel, who was sitting on a nearby rock, her slender body wrapped head-to-toe in thick winter clothing. Just beyond his rider, bronze Risperoth lifted his head. Both of their gazes asked the same question.

"She's done. We are no longer banished."

"Had to pick the coldest day of the Turn to clutch, didn't she," grumbled Kestrel, shuffling up close to Rimaea for warmth. "Let's see what the damage is."

Risperoth took to the air with a mighty wingbeat, gliding easily over the cliff-wall of the Sands to alight at his chosen viewpoint. He gazed down at the Sands where Aalimeth was no doubt glaring icily back. Rimaea and Kestrel waited a moment, huddled together, both cringing in anticipation.

"She didn't kill him," Rimaea grinned after a little while. "I think we're clear."

"Yet," Kestrel returned.

"I promise I'll make spiced klah to warm us both up as soon as this is over. We just need to find out how many candidates the Queen desires." Rimaea gave a little flourish of her hand, a mock queenly wave.

Kestrel stifled a snort. "Don't tell her I laughed."

"And invoke the wrath of Her Majesty?" Rimaea gave her partner a kiss on the nose. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"You buried them."



I thought the Weyrfolk might appreciate a surprise, Aalimeth hummed. How many are there? And is there, perhaps, a Queen among them? Who knows? I want the rumours to fly. It'll bring more spectators when the time comes.

Rimaea dragged her palm down her face, silently cursing herself for accepting the position of Weyrwoman (though she doubted Quaira would have let her say no easily). Clearly, the idea of being a queen dragon had gone to Aalimeth's head. A female bronze was unusual, as was a female bronzerider, but pair of bronzeriding women in the Weyrleadership? It had already caused quite the stir, and it seemed Aalimeth couldn't get enough of the attention.

"If they're buried," Rimaea said finally, feeling the beginnings of a migraine, "how will we tell the Searchriders how many candidates to find?"

At least twenty, Aalimeth returned, a little too quickly. The more, the merrier. But make sure to tell them to find the best.

"Nothing but," confirmed the Weyrwoman.

And tell them - Aalimeth paused, clearly for dramatic effect - to expect the unexpected. If they can't handle an unorthodox Weyr, they can go home.

"As you wish, Your Highness." Rimaea flourished and curtsied deeply. (Kestrel made a desperate attempt not to laugh audibly.)

Now off with you, the bronze queen directed, a faux regal lilt - and a genuine smile - in her voice. Weyrwoman Rimaea.

Wake up.

For the last time, we can't turn up the heat on the Sands. It is literally geothermal. You cannot turn up a planet.

I didn't say I was cold.

This had better be good, then.

Rimaea, rider-mine. My one and only. Love of my life. My eggs are hatching and if you miss this you are going to be the one sleeping on the Sands when the snows come.

Rimaea groaned dramatically, rolled over in bed, and elbowed her sleeping weyrmate in the ribs. "We have to go."

Kestrel responded by burrowing deeper under the covers, leaving only a mop of red curls sticking out.

"Your funeral," Rimaea grumbled as she swung her legs out of bed. "Though your bond is infinitely more forgiving than mine."

Kestrel peeked out from her cozy refuge. "He's barely slept since the eggs hit the Sands. Probably has as much of a hair trigger as yours at this point."

"I'll make our klah to go," replied the Weyrwoman. "And bundle up. There are flurries in the forecast."

Thankfully for Rimaea, she and Kestrel were just as late as the candidates; the last of them were just scrambling onto the Sands as the pair made their entrance. Their seats, central and lofty, allowed them to see all the excitement without getting too close to a broody clutchmother.

"We need to heat the seats," Kestrel winced as she took hers.

"I told you to bring a cushion."

"I wouldn't need a cushion if the stands were heated."

"Shh." Rimaea pointed out onto the Sands. "It's starting."

Kestrel pouted and sipped her klah. "Later we are talking butt warmers. Mark my words."

The first to hatch was, fittingly, bronze. Risperoth, overseeing the Hatching from a ledge nearby, visibly puffed out his chest at the first glimpse of his child's metallic hide. Kestrel rolled her eyes, but found herself smiling. Nice, she nodded at her dragon. Risperoth sent a proud, warm wave of emotion in response.

The bronze shook himself off and raised his head proudly. He surveyed the candidates for only a moment before choosing - and surprised everyone by making a beeline for the girls.

Karima! The hatchling's voice was clear, bright, and definitely not male; this hatchling was her mother's daughter through and through!

"Alhenath," gasped Karima, shocked to be the first to Impress and overwhelmed with delight. "Wait until everyone at Eillan sees you!"

Does that mean I get to help you on the farm?

"You and I get to run the farm, eventually," Karima smiled. "But first, you need food. And probably a bath."

Alhenath trilled happily and the two were off. The attendees barely had a chance to applaud, though; in the time it took for the first Impression to take place, three more hatchlings had broken shell. Two blues were weaving their way among the candidates, followed tentatively by a green.

One blue made his choice quickly. He made a habit of brushing each candidate with his tail as he passed, and when he got to Mordan, he stopped and wrapped his tail gently around the boy's leg.

You, his voice burst into Mordan's mind. You're my choice, M'dan! We'll make your father proud.

The new rider's heart leapt. "We will, Fawaristh," he nodded. "And everyone else, too."

The second blue made eye contact with Narissa and bypassed the boys entirely. I'm Hatysath, he introduced himself as he sat at the girl's feet. And you're a rider now! Worth the wait?

"Completely," Narissa answered, beaming.

The green was holding back, seemingly nervous to approach the candidates as the blues had. Luckily, Moki moved forward to close the gap.

"No need to be nervous, Aldebaranth," the Anari grinned. "Spotlight's all yours."

The hatchling gave a little shrug. My sister was a big act to follow, he replied - another oddity! - with a sigh.

"With any luck, you and I will be the ones to watch when we take to the skies," Moki assured his bond. "But you've got a little growing to do first!"

The two moved with noticeable grace as they exited, a pair already in sync; who knew what they would do when Aldebaranth achieved flight?

The next to hatch was a large terracotta-hued brown who broke his egg cleanly in two with a sudden crack. Risperoth beamed - this was the strongest-looking of the hatchlings this far, and the biggest of the males, nearly surpassing his bronze sister in stature.

You want to show the world what you can do, his voice rang loud and clear as he approached Beni. It looks like we share a goal. Go with me!

It wasn't so much a request as a command, but Beni's delight was palpable. Half-elf met hatchling halfway on the sands, her stance as confident as his (and neither one quite as tall as they'd like to be). Beni clapped the hatchling amiably on the shoulderblade and his eyes glinted.

"We'll show them together, Mizarth!"

Mizarth had been followed immediately by another stocky brown, who found their footing and sprinted headlong into the group of candidates. Most of them were quick enough to move aside, but Carol wasn't so lucky. The brown crashed straight into her, toppling her into the sand and winding them both.

"Watch where you're going, Phecdath!" Carol exclaimed, without taking the time to consider how she knew the hatchling's name.

I couldn't wait, Phecdath replied with a gasp, and rolled over onto the sand to dust herself off. I wasn't about to let somebody else pick you first!

Carol looked at Phecdath, who didn't look injured, just a little sheepish. She smiled brightly at her bond. "Well, you got me. Ready when you are!"

A green hatchling was struggling to shake off the remnants of her egg. Camdyn hurried towards the green, completely oblivious to the queen's watchful eye.

"You've got eggshell on your head," he said matter-of-factly, picking it off and holding the shard in his hand. "What's your name?"

Electrath! came the reply, natural and brisk as the autumn breeze. Then, Electrath grinned, training her eyes on the piece of shell: I dare you to eat that.

To those who weren't privy to Electrath's voice, it looked like a boy introduced himself to a dragon and then, inexplicably, ate a piece of its eggshell. Camdyn, though, was all smiles. Even the least perceptive in the audience could tell this was an Impression, albeit an odd one.

"Crunchy," said the boy through gritted teeth. "Three out of ten."

Your turn! Dare me next! Do you think we can find any weird bugs? I'll totally eat a weird bug.

Jebi was notably not standing among the candidates. He had not-so-subtly inched along edge of the Sands to stand directly below the Weyr's new artist-in-residence, Rosslin, who was hard at work painting the scene before him.

"It's really him," the boy whispered incredulously. His search had paid off at last! If only he could get closer...

Too bad you don't have a dragon, a deadpan voice resounded in his mind. Could get you up there in a flash. Might make him knock over his paints, though.

Jebi spun on his heel less-than-gracefully and took a dive into the sand when his foot sank in. On the way down, he saw a blur of blue and what he thought was an unamused expression.

"I just wanted to ask for art lessons," he managed as he emptied his sleeve of sand.

Funny. I could have sworn you were here for me. Oh well, the blue hatchling sniffed. Plenty of others to choose from.

"Wait!" Jebi spluttered. "I didn't mean it like that. I'd be happy to be your rider - geez, how is there so much sand - if you don't mind."

The blue's expression softened into a slight smirk. Well, in that case... charmed, I'm sure. Call me Denebolath.

At the same time, a brown hatched and swiftly made his choice. He sat at Jonah's feet and stared pointedly at him. The two regarded each other, rather analytically, for an uncomfortably long time before either spoke.


"Well what?" Jonah tried to keep a straight face, but felt himself smirking.

I'm picking you, you giant doofus, the brown said, cracking a smile of his own. Be my rider!

"And just when I was thinking you'd never ask, Dubheth."

Aalimeth and Risperoth's second bronze offspring entered the world loudly, the egg having practically burst apart into shards before their eyes. By now, the candidates and spectators had given up guessing where the hatchlings would go; this bronze was heading to the girls with gusto, and even the most traditional of the attendees hardly bat an eye.

"Like father, like..." Kestrel paused to consult her own bronze, then beamed, sharing Risperoth's joy. "Son! Though... I feel like it's not quite as surprising this time."

Indeed, like his father before him, this little bronze had chosen a female rider. He stopped to stand proudly before the elf Ralaera, whose tall stature made the hatchling's inflated stance almost comical.

You want justice for your home, he said as the bond was forged. I can help with that. I'm gonna be bigger than any of my brothers! And when I'm older, we'll make those xenomorphs sizzle.

Ralaera felt the corner of her lip turn up in an unavoidable smile. "You're coming with me, then," she said. "We'll show them a real fight, Antareth."

"We really should just have everyone stand in one group next time," Kestrel said as the new pair departed. "It clearly doesn't matter to the dragons."

Rimaea nodded and squeezed Kestrel's hand. "Tradition never did suit us much."

The arrival of two more blue hatchlings caught the candidates' attention. The first, his hide still glistening from the egg, made his way confidently to Kolten.

You've come a long way to meet me, haven't you? he chirped, and the boy broke into a grin.

"You've no idea," he replied. "I can tell you the whole story if you'd like!"

I want to hear it over some nice bloody red meat! The blue's eyes swirled with hunger and anticipation. I'm Dzibanth - onward to adventure!

The other blue, darker in hue than Dzibanth, paced amongst the boys for a while before setting sights on Siasli. Only then did the hatchling move with vigor, almost tripping in the sand on the way.

I am so glad I found you, the hatchling sighed with relief. I should have come to this side first - I just had to meet the person who's going to teach me to write! The first dragon with perfect penmanship on the planet - imagine!

Siasli's jaw dropped open for a moment - she'd only started writing herself just days ago, how could she teach someone else, let alone a dragon! "Are you sure you've got the right candidate, Meissath?"

The blue eyed Siasli knowingly at the mention of her name. Positive, she affirmed, and Siasli felt her tension ease with a wave of assurance from the dragon. Her dragon.

"I'll teach you what I can," Siasli replied, and Meissath hummed happily. "We'll learn together!"

Kaia, from her place in the stands, applauded as her student Impressed. They'd make a fine pair, and if Meissath's work ethic was anything like Siasli's... well, perhaps a dragon could learn to write, after all!

Just then, Aalimeth moved her forelegs aside, and the sand below them fell away to reveal a quivering egg with an unmistakable gilded sheen. The gathered crowd drew in a collective breath. An excited - and confused - murmur rose among the female candidates.

You were supposed to tell us if there was a Queen egg! Rimaea sent frantically. We didn't even have the Searchriders look for Queen candidates! Who knows if these girls--

Watch, Aalimeth interrupted, her voice like honey in Rimaea's mind.

Her daughter broke free of the shell headfirst, bright golden hide glinting wetly in the daylight. The little queen shook the shards from her gleaming hide (rather like a dog!), splattering her mother with the remnants of her egg. Aalimeth snorted. Her daughter snorted back, rather playfully, then started off towards the candidates.

Towards the male candidates.

Aalimeth, are you kidding me.

The bronze Queen rumbled knowingly in reply to her rider as the gold approached one of the young men. Moenta stared down the dragon who was now, unexpectedly, sitting at his feet.

"Listen," he managed, suddenly feeling cotton-mouthed. "I'm flattered - well, more like confused as hell, sorry - but I can't ride a Queen. That is a lot of responsibility that I'm neither willing nor able to take on."

The reply hit him like a sunbeam straight to the retinas after a blurry night at the bar. Then it's a good thing I'm not a Queen, isn't it, Mo'ta?

Moenta, now Mo'ta - a rider! - grinned and turned to the scribe. "His name is Polarith!"

Well. I guess I probably should have expected that.

Aalimeth rumbled happily as applause rose from the stands. You should know better than to doubt me.

As Polarith and Mo'ta left the Sands, Tihali - concentrating all her focus on the eggs and absolutely not the jewelry worn by the attendees - was startled by the sensation of someone slipping a hand into her pocket. She turned, expecting to confront a human pickpocket, and was met instead by the sheepish eyes of a hatchling.

Security check! The voice - definitely female! - was quick to chime as the little blue removed her claws from Tihali's pocket. Yep, you definitely won't run into any trouble with pickpockets. With sharp senses like that, you could be one yourself!

Tihali returned an amused snort. "A little subtlety goes a long way, Ascellath," she said.

Subtlety... The hatchling cocked her head to one side. What's that?

"I'll teach you," Tihali replied, breaking into a grin. "That and so much more."

Two greens were assessing the candidates from afar, and neither were shy about projecting their thoughts to whoever could listen.

Who are you picking? I don't want to choose until you do.

You hatched first. You're supposed to go first.

But there're so. Many. What if I pick a bad one?

Statistically unlikely. Mom says they're all good.

Well, then, what if I pick yours? I don't want to pick yours.

Aalimeth leaned her massive head over the two hatchlings and surprised both with a booming command. Darlings. Your mother wants to get off the Sands before twilight. Choose now.

Okay! The darker, forest-hued green snapped to attention. I choose... Macon!

The young wizard, who hadn't quite grasped the implication of being able to hear one-half of the conversation, started. He dropped to one knee to welcome his dragon. "Hello, Celaenoth!"

Magic sounds like fun. Can you teach me?

Magic, schmagic! Fulona can make people and cats better without any stinkin' magic, the lighter green, her hide the colour of sage leaves, shot back at her sister. She then turned to look at the healer expectantly. I hope you'll let me help! I'm Asteropeth.

"I could use an extra set of hands - or, in your case, claws," Fulona smiled.

Fulona and Macon hurried their dragons off the Sands, one eager to catch up with her sibling, the other awaiting the arrival of his. Celaenoth and Asteropeth, meanwhile, continued to bicker until both sisters were too busy eating to care whose rider was better.

Can't let your brother steal your thunder! Magnolia turned, not sure what to expect, and was faced with a female brown hatchling whose eyes glittered with excited hues. Got here fast as I could! I'm Mintakath and we're going to learn all the magic. All of it.

"I happen to know a place where we can do that," Magnolia grinned and began to lead her hatchling onward. "Come on!"

Do I get a wand? Mintakath prodded, practically vibrating with enthusiasm. How about a cauldron?

"We'll talk."

A single snowflake drifted over to land on the back of Dana's hand, and she emitted an embarrassing squeaking noise at the sudden pinprick of cold. She flapped her hand back and forth to shake away the unwelcome intruder. She looked up - the other candidates were staring at her. Actually, the entire crowd seemed to be staring at her. Surely she couldn't have been that loud?

It's just snow, a voice suddenly boomed in her head, causing her to jump again. Dana looked away from the crowd and down at her feet and there, sitting with wings fanned wide, was a green hatchling. You know - snowballs? Sledding? The stuff adventure is made of!

Dana cocked her head. "Does that... hurt? It's so cold."

The green sat up on his hind legs and batted at a particularly large flake. Making a snowball? Only if you get hit with one before you're done! He bared his baby teeth in a grin.

"Do you mean to tell me that people throw weather at each other for fun?"

He laughed, and it felt like the warmth of a hearth in her mind. When this starts to stick, I'll show you! By the way, I'm Atlath and I'm coming with you!

As quickly as it had begun, it was over. Aalimeth sat, exhausted but still swollen with pride, and looked on as Sands staff swept what eggshells they could out of sight. Rimaea and Kestrel descended from the stands, appearing a few moments later on ground level. Risperoth followed from his perch, landing close - but not too close, just in case - to Aalimeth.

"You did well," Rimaea addressed the Queen. "But next time will you promise you'll tell me if there's a gold egg? That aged me."

The great bronze Queen hummed smugly. Cross my heart.

We knew it would be fine, Risperoth added, his ego clearly inflated at having produced a gold. Besides, how were the Searchriders supposed to hunt for boy Queen candidates? The whole practice is antiquated anyway. Who's to say who can and can't Impress a gold?

Kestrel and Rimaea looked at each other, then at their dragons. "You knew, too?" Kestrel questioned.

Risperoth's eyes flushed pink, as if the bronze was blushing. I cannot confirm or deny.

It's snowing, Aalimeth interjected, taking the attention off her sheepish mate. We should get inside - all of us. It's been a long time.

"Too long," Rimaea agreed, gazing up at the sky. "I won't argue."

For once.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty... can it."

Name Polarith
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Gold
Colour Gold
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality A charmer: articulate, indulgent, and pleasant.
Bonded To Mo'ta (Moenta) (Neishai)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Alhenath
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Bronze
Colour Bronze
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality A natural leader: confident, charismatic, and helpful.
Bonded To Karima (Trix)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Antareth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Bronze
Colour Bronze
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality Ambitious, optimistic, and stubborn.
Bonded To Ralaera Cinderpath (Phoenix)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Megrezth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Bronze
Colour Bronze
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality Fearless, imaginative, and mysterious.
Bonded To Efrin (Bughnrahk)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Dubheth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Brown
Colour Brown
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality An actualizer: active, confident, and stubborn.
Bonded To Jonah (Trix)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Mintakath
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Brown
Colour Brown
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality A seeker of knowledge: ambitious, bright, and daring.
Bonded To Magnolia Twig (Zekiran)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Mizarth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Brown
Colour Brown
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality A performer: charismatic, confident, and sanguine.
Bonded To Beni (Trix)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Phecdath
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Brown
Colour Brown
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality Easygoing, independent, and reckless.
Bonded To Carol Hansen (Nomi)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Ascellath
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Blue
Colour Blue
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality A neophyte thief: curious, impulsive, and quick-witted.
Bonded To Tihali Ro (DragonFlight)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Denebolath
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Blue
Colour Blue
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality A dry wit: blunt, sarcastic, and well-spoken.
Bonded To Jebi Berena (DragonFlight)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Dzibanth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Blue
Colour Blue
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality An adventurer: eager, gallant, and restless.
Bonded To Kolten (Naeodin)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Fawaristh
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Blue
Colour Blue
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality A warrior: determined, loyal, and proud.
Bonded To -
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Hatysath
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Blue
Colour Blue
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality A confidante: empathetic, optimistic, and trustworthy.
Bonded To Narissa (Nomi)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Meissath
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Blue
Colour Blue
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality A star student: diligent, enthusiastic, and resolute.
Bonded To Siasli (Zekiran)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Aldebaranth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Green
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality A nascent talent: adaptable, humble, and uncertain.
Bonded To Moki Rava (DragonFlight)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Asteropeth
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Green
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality An apprentice: helpful, loyal, and self-assured.
Bonded To Fulona (Neishai)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Atlath
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Green
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality Bold, spontaneous, and uninhibited.
Bonded To Dana Lloyd (JKat)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Celaenoth
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Green
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality An explorer: curious, decisive, and persistent.
Bonded To Macon Twig (Zekiran)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Electrath
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Green
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality Compassionate, eccentric, and fun-loving.
Bonded To Camdyn Hart (JKat)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Elnath
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Green
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality Charming, decisive, and naïve.
Bonded To TBA (TyGryph)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Maiath
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Green
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality Generous, nurturing, and restless.
Bonded To TBA (Naeodin)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Meropeth
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Green
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality Cowardly, lonely, and shy.
Bonded To T'vaar (Dray)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Pleioneth
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Green
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality Creative, daring, and sarcastic.
Bonded To S'xan (Digitalis)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Taygetath
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Green
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality Adventurous, considerate, and generous.
Bonded To N'kit (Ktrenal)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult