Special Clutch 1 Records

Special Clutch 1 Directory
Orange Ponalaeth & Black Faloritoth
15 eggs, 15 hatched
Character Dragon Name Dragon Colour Genders Creator
Chiara Ataxiath Orange F / F Trix
Chris Nyctoth Black M / M Trix
Corey Isolath Purple M / F Trix
Kalyna Ailuroth Orange F / F Digitalis
Lirjask Sundi Iskassan Hematoth Red F / M Phoenix
Loriat Ornith Black F / F Neishai
Malinar Selenoth Orange M / M Ktrenal
Masque Sengihr Algoth Black M / M Zekiran
Medarta Athazagorath White F / M Neishai
Nthande Sceleroth Orange N / M Bughnrahk
"Pal" Kinemorth Orange N / M Zekiran
Rhas Lycanth Black M / M Digitalis
Savr Mortisth Orange F / F Naeodin
"Secret Identity" Triskaidekath Green N / F Zekiran
Tarnished Cleaver Abraded Aichmoth Black N / F DragonFlight

Clutch 1 Genealogy
Meridian Weyr, Special #1
(Halloween Clutch)
Ryslen Orange
Nidus Ryslen, Giveaway
Healing Den Gold
Healing Den, #5
Healing Den Gold
Healing Den, #1
Healing Den Bronze
Healing Den, #1
Pernese Bronze
Silvermoon Weyr, #1
Pernese Gold
Silvermoon Weyr, Progenitor
Pernese Bronze
Silvermoon Weyr, Progenitor
Pernese Black
Sapphire Weyr, #5
Pernese Gold
Origin Unknown

No sooner had the first golden-yellow leaf fallen from its tree than Shamira appeared in the doorway to Rimaea's office.

"A Gather." Rimaea took up one of two mugs of spiced klah and handed it to the other woman. "For what occasion?"

"Rather an otherworldly one," Shamira replied, bringing the mug to her smiling lips to drink. "All Hallows' Eve."

Rimaea motioned for the two of them to sit in armchairs by her fireplace. After all, Shamira was a friend, not a stranger; this was hardly a business meeting, though she suspected it was about to become one.

"All Hallows' Eve," Rimaea repeated as the two of them sat. Aalimeth, still on the Sands with her hardening eggs, was notably absent. In her place, Shamira's green dragon Shiriteth lounged. Rimaea would hear it from Aalimeth later for letting another dragon use her couch, but that was a bridge she'd have to cross when she got to it.

"They celebrate it on Earth," Shamira explained. "It is said that the veil between the worlds - that of the living and that of the dead - is thinnest on that night. Those who celebrate All Hallows' - 'Halloween,' some call it - don costumes in a sort of masquerade. Some believe the guises ward off wayward spirits. Others just do it for a bit of harmless fun."

Rimaea sipped her klah warily. "I hope you're not suggesting we get the dead involved."

A rare laugh burst from Shamira. "Hardly!" She put down her cup and stood. "Regardless of what you believe about the thinning of the veil, I admit I love the masquerade. And besides, we already have our costumes, you and I."

The greenrider's form rippled as if surrounded by radiant heat, and morphed smoothly; rather than the human woman who had entered, Rimaea now found herself faced with what she recognized as Shamira's true form. Half-woman, half-snake, her lower half was covered in acid-green scales, while her top half retained humanity. Looking into Shamira's eyes, though, revealed slitted pupils. Her incisors, too, had grown sharper. Rimaea thought she caught the sparkle of a drip of venom from one of them.

"Please don't bite my Weyrfolk," she said.

"I wouldn't dream of it," Shamira bespoke with a more sibilant, snakelike inflection. "They are mine to protect."

Rimaea smiled. She was surrounded by a similar energy to Shamira's as she shifted her own shape.

"I just adore that trick of yours," Shamira said, extending a hand to the Weyrwoman, now a caramel-coloured house cat. Rimaea leapt onto the naga's shoulder.

"It's been a long time," Rimaea admitted, thankfully still capable of speech in her feline form. "It'll make it easy to watch the festivities."

"So it's agreed, then," Shamira grinned. "An All Hallows' Eve Gather. Costumes... mandatory. And a prize for the best."

"That's hardly fair. Yours would win every time."

"I will be the judge." Shamira lifted her mug again to drink. "And this blend must make an appearance. You have a talent for brewing."

Rimaea leapt from Shamira's shoulder and shifted back into her human form. "I've been practicing. Iany has been cultivating gourds brought from offworld. It turns out that adding a little pumpkin makes everything better in the fall." She sipped her klah - pumpkin spice, naturally - and moved to her desk to write.

Shamira followed. "And the clutch," she grinned. "There will be room on the Sands, of course?"

A long silence.

"What clutch?"

Story is located here for now; it'll be added to this page when I get the HTML formatting done!

Name Ataxiath
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Orange
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality competitive, chatty (and polite!), confident
Bonded To Chiara (Trix)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Nyctoth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Brown
Colour Black
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality competitive, soft-spoken, has a dark sense of humour
Bonded To Chris (Trix)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Isolath
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Blue
Colour Purple
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality fashionable, enthusiastic, loves the spotlight
Bonded To Corey (Trix)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Ailuroth
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Orange
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality curious, observant, affectionate (she only pretends to be aloof and disinterested!)
Bonded To Kalyna (Digitalis)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Hematoth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Brown
Colour Red
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality intelligent, family-oriented, confident
Bonded To Lirjask Sundi Iskassan (Phe)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Ornith
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Brown
Colour Black
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality adventurous, ambitious, imaginative
Bonded To Loriat (Neishai)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Selenoth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Brown
Colour Orange
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality cheerful, friendly, uses comedy to diffuse tension
Bonded To Malinar
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Algoth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Bronze
Colour Black
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality creative, eloquent, appreciates art
Bonded To Masque Sengihr (Zekiran)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Athazagorath
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Blue
Colour White
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality calm, observant, soft-spoken but direct and to-the-point
Bonded To Medarta (Neishai)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Sceleroth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Blue
Colour Orange
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality fast-talking, anxious, clumsy but means well!
Bonded To Nthande (Bug)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Kinemorth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Blue
Colour Orange
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality very social and well-spoken, accepting, friendly
Bonded To "Pal" (Zekiran)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Lycanth
Sex Male
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Blue
Colour Black
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality a himbo!! (not-too-bright jock with a heart of absolute gold)
Bonded To Rhas (Digitalis)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Mortisth
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Orange
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality optimistic, friendly, assertive
Bonded To Savr (Naeodin)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Triskaidekath
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Green
Colour Green
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality charismatic, proud, has a flair for the dramatic
Bonded To "Secret Identity" (Zekiran)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult

Name Aichmoth
Sex Female
Species Pernese Dragon
Size Class Bronze
Colour Black
Abilities Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire), Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation)
Personality curious, daredevil, fascinated by the unknown
Bonded To Tarnished Cleaver Abraded (DF)
Other Images Weyrling, Adult