
Name Suspiria Ponti
Origin Undisclosed
Residence Arx Entropic
Occupation Head Librarian, Arx Entropic Library & Archive
Age Undisclosed; appears in her late thirties to early forties
Gender Female (she/her)
Species Human
Class Warlock (Otherworldly Patron: Great Old One / Pact of the Tome)
Height 5'8"
Appearance slender, willowy build; albino colouration: white hair, pale blue eyes, very pale skin; dresses in rich fabrics and bold jewel tones; wears glasses due to impaired vision
Abilities Awakened Mind (Telepathic Speech), Eldritch Invocations (Beguiling Influence, Bewitching Whispers, Book of Ancient Secrets, Eyes of the Rune Keeper, Whispers of the Grave), Entropic Ward, Pact Magic (Spellcasting), Thought Shield
Personality Suspiria is quietly domineering, worldly, and unsettlingly mysterious. She knows far more than she should, and nothing at Arx Entropic seems to escape her eye. Remarkably difficult to read, she seldom shows anything more than the slightest flicker of a smile or frown. The way she regards others makes most people deeply uncomfortable: a steady, cool gaze that seems to see directly into the cloistered secrets of the mind. Capable of speaking into the minds of others, shielding her own thoughts from telepathy, and compelling others to follow her will, she's one figure that few at Arx Entropic would dare to cross.

Knowledge is the driving force behind everything she does. Her office is its own library, filled from floor to ceiling with tomes unreadable by the average human. Written language is no barrier to Suspiria, whose patron's gifts include the ability to read any text (despite her poor eyesight). Rising to leadership of the Arx library came naturally to her. The people drawn by the establishment of the Arx were filled with knowledge yet untapped, and Suspiria could use her eldritch abilities to bring in yet more. Rumours of her ability to decipher languages lost to time draws all sorts of scholars to her office, and they're usually very willing to part with their cargo in exchange for a translation.

No one is certain of what eldritch being or force Suspiria answers to, but most agree it can't be a good one. Even Suspiria isn't privy to her patron's intentions. She knows its influence can reach her through space and time, and that it has granted her knowledge and power beyond her wildest dreams - and if that kind of advantage makes her or her patron bad, then so be it.
Family Giallo Ponti, younger brother
Tenebrae Ponti, younger sister
Bonded To Sahegotee, Red-White-Black-Green Hydra
Bonded At The Burrow