
(Image made with Fantasy Character Maker on Picrew)

Name Wake
Origin Eberron
Residence Nidus Caelestis; can often be found offworld adventuring/hunting treasures!
Rank/Occupation Adventurer
Age Young Adult
Gender Female (she/her)
Species Tiefling
Class Cleric, Death Domain
Height 5'4"
Appearance as above: petite build; long, deep black hair worn in a bun; pupil-less black eyes; violet skin; infernal features (horns, tail) fade from violet at the base to black at the tips; enjoys wearing gold or yellow clothing and accessories
Abilities Cleric Class Features: Wake is capable of a wide range of abilities characteristic of the Cleric D&D class.

Darkvision: Wake has superior vision in both dim and dark conditions.
Fire Resistance: Wake is resistant to fire (AKA Hellish Resistance).
Personality Wake is a social outcast for a myriad reasons, and she gives zero hecks about any of them.

Branded as the weird kid in school since childhood for her infernal heritage first and her eccentricities second, Wake showed interest and aptitude in necromancy from a worryingly early age. Through her developmental years, whisperings of what kind of monster she'd become were common. Wake, meanwhile, honed her skills on bugs... and she never moved on to anything bigger. Resurrecting flies, ants, and spiders from their crispy graves on sunny windowsills became second nature. She's often accompanied by literal swarms of undead arthropods, humming to herself amidst the stares and sneers of her peers. Her favourite underlings by far, though, are moths. Wake is fascinated by moths of all kinds and, while she'll happily give new existence to any chitinous corpse, the moths are always the first ones she works on.

While extremely odd, Wake is a genuinely nice person with a deep love for the natural world. She doesn't see why bugs' lifespans have to be so short - they deserve as much a chance as anyone to live long, full lives! Elara and Gwyn, Wake's former classmates, are two of the very few people who enjoy Wake's company. While Wake shares none of their interest in astronomy, she's happy with parallel play: they chart the stars, and she adds to her multitude of tiny thralls.
Bonded To (soon - STASH)
Bonded At The Checkerboard Ball '21