
Name Miatiwa
Origin Iolana
Residence Nidus Caelestis; currently at Nidus Ryslen
Rank/Occupation Tiro
Age 17
Gender Female (she/her)
Species Anthropomorphic Cat
Height 4'8"
Appearance petite build; thick, straight, pixie-cut black hair; peaches-and-cream fur with black points; wide, vibrant blue eyes
Personality Miatiwa is chock-full of chaotic energy and has very little impulse control. Paired with her passion for chemistry and her love of the spotlight, it becomes clear why she was kicked out of more college dorms at the Nidus than any other student. She is surprisingly bright despite her lack of common sense, and somehow narrowly manages to avoid lighting herself on fire almost every time she starts one. Patience is not her strong suit; if asked why she thought doing something stupid was a good idea, Miatiwa will typically respond with a shrug and an "I was bored."
Bonded To Eerilyth, Flurry Verdigris
Bonded At Nidus Ryslen, Flurry '21