
(Art and character sheet by Zekiran!)

Name Shirohne
Origin Zekira
Residence Chroma City
Occupation (TBA)
Bonding Age 20
Gender Female (she/her)
Species Zekiran steed-splice (Zebra-kin)
Abilities Animal Healing: Shirohne can heal other animals. This power works best on equines (+), then dragons, and lastly other species/splices (-).

Animal Tuning (Steed): Shirohne can sense, locate, summon, train, and sense through equines and equine humanoids with ease. She is also training to use these powers with dragons.

Animal Warning (Equine, Dragon)

Genetic Sense (+), Alteration (-)

Local Sound Shape
Personality A bit hyperactive and quite loud, Shirohne can be a bit too intense for many! She has little to no sense of personal space and usually ends up right in the face of whoever she's talking to, no matter the context or mood. At the very least, Shirohne wears her heart on her sleeve. She's straightforward about what she wants or what she's feeling, and leaves no room for others' guesswork. (When she separated from her brother over her fascination with the dragons of Alskyr, she didn't hem nor haw over it - work and family ties could wait!)

While spontaneous to the point of appearing uncaring, Shirohne does care deeply for creatures of both dragon and equine ilk. She's remarkably skilled with steeds and other equines, and she's showing promise in her affinity for dragons, too. And yes, she does care about her twin, however much she's resented being his doppelganger in the past! She's already made plans to visit him and the steeds they trained together before her departure (and, of course, show off her dragon and her developing powers).
Family Neshiroh, twin brother
Bonded To Hoch-zay'lelth, Purple Stardust Mutt
Bonded At Healing Den