
(Image made with Fantasy Character Maker on Picrew)

Name Gwynry Starseeker (née Stoneshaper; Gwyn changed her surname when she joined her druidic Circle)
Origin Eberron
Residence Nidus Caelestis; can often be found offworld creating astronomical charts!
Rank/Occupation Adventurer / Astronomer
Age Young Adult
Gender Female (she/her)
Species Dwarf
Class Druid, Circle of Stars
Height 5'0"
Appearance as above: stout, muscular build; long medium brown hair; chocolate brown eyes; freckled light brown skin; prefers to wear simple clothing in dark colours; enjoys wearing jewelry
Abilities Druid Class Features: Gwyn is capable of a wide range of abilities characteristic of the Druid D&D class.

Darkvision: Elara has superior vision in both dim and dark conditions.

Fey Ancestry: Elara's Fey heritage grants her resistance against being charmed and lulled into sleep by magic.

Keen Senses: Elara is exceptionally perceptive of her environment.

Trance: Elara does not need to sleep; instead, she enters a state of deep meditation. Four hours of meditation provides Elara with the same benefits as a human would get from eight hours of sleep.
Personality Gwyn is enthusiastic and passionate, but easily bored by things that don't cater to her interests. She flourishes among those she considers to be her "people," from fellow Circle of Stars druids to astronomy buffs. Others find Gwyn sociable, chipper, and remarkably easy to talk to; those who share her knack for astronomy also admire her vast arsenal of knowledge in the subject.

Dwarves are known for their affinity for stone, but Gwyn resents the stereotype and never fit in too well with her peers. According to her, the one and only benefit to her formative education in stonework was her ability to recognize a megalithic site belonging to druids of the Circle of Stars. Her fascination with the astronomical, coupled with what turned out to be a natural talent for magic and her refusal to take "no" for an answer, led to her joining the Circle herself. Eventually, she sought to expand upon her druidic knowledge by studying alongside academics; it was at university that she met her partner in both study and life, Elara.

Gwyn and Elara, having graduated and picked up some planeswalking knowledge, have since taken their studies away from Eberron entirely. Gwyn remains smitten by the stars and fascinated by the way the celestial spheres change from world to world. She's equally smitten with Elara, and surprisingly mushy - she's just so immeasurably grateful to have found herself such a perfect match!
Others Elara, romantic partner and party member, bonded to Hiulee and Souggam Moonshield
Cassius, friend and party member, bonded to Cwepante, Merseth, and Temth'Alkar
Tsanthryl, friend and party member, bonded to Yookath
Wake, friend and party member, bonded to Xilo Turun
Bonded To Yerto, Diamond Gem Dragon
Dawn Break, Pernese/Pyrrhian NightWing, Queen's Bishop
Bonded At The Checkerboard Ball '21